Warth Schroecken

Running route from Gaisbühelalpe

Trail running

Running route from Gaisbühelalpe

We rode our bikes up to the Gaisbühelalpe, from where the trail running route with great views starts!

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directions_run Typ:Trail running


arrow_right_alt Distance:11,1 km

access_time Duration:160 min

trending_up Elevation gain:779 hm

trending_down Elevation decrease:791 hm

GPX Download

Running route from Gaisbühelalpe

GPS 47.23035600 / 10.13058500



Refreshment stops/ refreshment stations

- Kriegeralpe

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Park your bike at the Untere Gaisbühelalpe and continue on foot. Another path leads slightly below the path you came along. Follow this to the Obere Gaisbühelalpe, so that you reach the Mohnenfluhsattel via the Rotschrofenbahn mountain station. From there, you can already see the glistening turquoise Butzensee lake, which is the next destination. Watch out for summit luck: from here you have the option of taking the summit of the Mohnenfluh with you, from where you have an incredible view of Schröcken, the Körbersee and the surrounding area (an additional - steep - 225 m) The same path also leads you back from the summit to the route, continuing on to the Butzensee. You then circle the Butzensee and follow the path downhill on the back of the lake so that you come to a goods road under the Steinmähderbahn cable car, which you follow downhill. Past the mountain station of the Hasenprungbahn cable car, follow the goods path through the gypsum holes, past the Kriegeralpe to the Weibermahd mountain station. From there, a path leads to the right under the Petersbodenban, where a path then leads off to the left. Dieser führt dich in den Ortsteil Schlößle, von wo du die asphaltierte Straße 500 Meter nach oben läufst in Richtung Skyspace-Lech. Dort bei der Weggabelung angekommen, folgst du dem Güterweg geradeaus, welcher sich kurz darauf wieder in einen breiten und in einen schmaleren Weg teilt – folge dem schmalen Pfad durch ein kleines Tobel über den Gizzibach hindurch, worauf du anschließend wieder die Untere Gaisbühelalpe erreichst.

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Warth Schroecken